Centrelink Carer Allowance
The Carer Allowance provides financial assistance to a person providing constant personal care to a family member who is a youth or adult 16 years old or over with a severe intellectual, psychiatric or physical disability; or for a dependent child under 16 years old with a profound disability. The personal care test is related directly to tasks requiring daily attention such as administering medication, eating, food preparation, bathing, hygiene and mobility, but not assistance with domestic chores.
Centrelink Disability Support Pension (DSP)
The Disability Support Pension provides financial assistance to ensure an adequate level of income for adults and young people 16 years old and over, not having reached pension age, with psychiatric, intellectual or physical impairments of twenty per cent or more. The impairment must prevent them from working, or completing educational or vocational training, for at least the next two years. Permanently blind people qualify automatically.
Centrelink Mobility Allowance
The Mobility Allowance provides financial assistance to adults and young people 16 years old and over with psychiatric, intellectual or physical disabilities that prevent them from using public transport without substantial assistance.
Recipients must spend at least 8 hours per week in paid employment, vocational training or voluntary work for a community, charitable or welfare organisation. The allowance is also payable to people undertaking job search activities.
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