Home Ownership Assistance Schemes
The Office of Housing offers a number of home ownership financial assistance schemes. Inquiries must be directed to the Melbourne Office. Schemes include the Home Renovation Scheme for the aged and those with disabilities; Group Self-Build for those building their own homes with a group of others; and Mortgage Relief, which provides temporary hardship assistance for twelve months. There is no direct service delivery available at this address.
Home Renovation Scheme
Provides independent housing condition reports and financial assistance with loans for health & safety modifications and maintenance for home owners who are aged or have a family member who has a disability and is living in the home. Work can include health and safety modifications such as step-less showers, altered bench heights, construction of ramps & wider access doorways; personal safety modifications such as safer paths & floor coverings, fencing & gates, smoke detectors & security lighting; internal maintenance such as wall & floor tiling, floor coverings to wet areas, painting & heater replacement; and general maintenance such as electrical rewiring, hot water service replacement, re-stumping and the renewal of wall or roof cladding.
Special Requirements: Free home inspections are available to Victorian homeowners or private renters who hold
either a current Commonwealth Health Care Card or a Commonwealth Pensioner Concession Card, and aged 60 or over, or have a disability, or are permanently caring for someone with a disability.
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